Concrete jungle where dreams are made of

I'm going to New York in less than a week and I can no longer hold in my excitement! A place I have always wanted to explore, but until now have never thought was possible!

The whole purpose of the trip is to recognise the differences between the US fashion market and the UK fashion market. I have conducted a lot of research for this trip. Just last week I went to London (Oxford street) to really explore the shops that cross over in to both markets. E.g. Urban outfitters, American Apparel. Of course, Oxford Street is a magical place this time of year, what with the Christmas decorations and the glamorous in store displays, it really was a vision of beauty.

I've created a list for myself of things I MUST go and see/do when there. The list is full of cultural things as well as sight-seeing and of course shops that need visiting!

Lets hope that the weather holds out so that I can actually get out to New York! I must however say that I wouldn't mind it having a blizzard whilst I'm there so I can't get back to England? That would be great! (Hehe). 

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