Day 1: Statue of Liberty, Ground zero/ Century 21

After getting up at 1AM, yes 1AM I was on my way to Heathrow Airport to board my American Airlines plane to JFK, NY!

The journey took around 7 hours to complete, which seemed like nothing as my excitement was starting to kick in. After arriving in New York at approx 10.30 (NY time) we went straight to the hotel. The hotel, Eastgate tower, was like a little apartment! It had its own kitchen, dinning/lounge area, bedroom and bathroom. Having dumped our cases for all of two minutes, we were ready to start sight seeing.

From the wonderful Grand Central station (One of many Gossip Girl filming destinations) we got the subway down to Bowling Green. From here, we got on the ferry (which went past the magnificent statue of Liberty) to Statan Island. The view of the Statue of Liberty was immense, so good up close and personal! The water was calm, and the journey was pleasant, apart from the freezing cold we felt once stepping outside to the balcony. The ferry gave us a great view of Manhattan, and the Brooklyn bridge!

Having got back to the island of Manhattan, we then went for a little shop. Reminiscent of Tkmaxx (But a hell of a lot bigger and more crowded) was century 21. The store had no real kind of a layout, with different designers mixed in and clothes everywhere, so in other words a jumble sale! There were some very high designers there like D&G, Vivienne Westwood, Givenchy. It was however, so disheartening to see the clothes just "shoved" on rails, without a thought of their beautiful designs and handmade embroidery! There shopping bags were very interesting though, they folded down the handles, and stapled the receipt to the outside of the bag, not quite sure if I like the thought of people seeing how much I'd spent, or the fact that they could see my credit card details just hanging on the outside of the bag. 

Across from Century 21, was Ground zero. A feel of sadness came over me as I saw literally just a hole going down in to the ground. What once stood there represented status, and wealth but now there was just rubble. They were however building a memorial in respect to all those that lost their lives to the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Having done all of this in just one day, had left me exhausted. Much in need of some well deserved sleep,I went to bed early in preparation for the next days events!

The plane

Grand central Station

Me on the ferry

Brooklyn Bridge

Statue of Liberty


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