Last day

Today was really a day to do any last minute shopping. We decided to stay local to where the hotel was and not venture too far as we had a plane to catch!

We first went to Times Square. This was different to the first time we visited it as it was now daytime, it was nice to see it from a different perspective and got to see things that we hadn't during the night time. Our first stop was the Disney shop. The displays and in store environment was magnificent!! I felt like a big kid lost inside a Disney fantasy. To stand there and take it all in was incredible. Forever21 was next to the Disney shop so we also had a quick look here. Once again, the in-store experience was amazing. The way the accessories were arranged in a tier of a cupcake was very inventive. The shop catered for very different markets. It offered casual wear, business wear, lounge wear, everything! This was my favourite shop in New York.

Having finished our shopping we still had some time to kill. As a source of warmth, (and to rest our feet) we decided to visit the Public library of New York. It didn't differ much from the ones in England. It was very big in size and had the same technology. Although, our bags were searched as we left the store. After this we grabbed a bite to eat. The pizza slices were very popular in America and were huge! Certainly one pizza slice was enough!

It appeared that our time in NY had come to and end. So much to do so little time! If I would of had more time that I would of visited Boston, and Greenwhich Village. Other parts of NY which tourist destinations. My time in Ny couldn't of been any better. It is certainly a place I would like to re-visit in future years!

American Eagle

Times Square ball drop!

My NY purchases

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